Race Meetings

Venue Date R1 Start
Mount Gambier 28 Jul 24 11:45AM
Gawler 28 Jul 24 5:14PM
Angle Park 29 Jul 24 5:55PM
Murray Bridge Straight 30 Jul 24 11:30AM
Angle Park 30 Jul 24 6:05PM
Gawler 31 Jul 24 11:32AM

Next To Go

R1 11:45am
R2 12:10pm
R3 12:25pm
Online Nominations
Online Nominations

A Community Born from A Passion

Working within the greyhound racing industry isn’t just a job, it is a passion and true appreciation for these amazing animals. From trainers, catchers, owners and handlers; each individual has a different story on what led them to get involved in greyhound racing but what has kept each one involved is an undeniable love for the dogs.


Stories from our Community 

Greyhounds for little heroEs

There has never been a better time to open your home to adopt a retired racer, with Greyhound Racing SA donating all proceeds from the Greyhounds As Pets program to the Little Heroes Foundation. Little Heroes Foundation has been the charity partner of Greyhounds As Pets SA since 2018. In that time we have donated more than $69,000 to the foundation, helping support seriously ill children and their families. Over the past 20 years, the charity has contributed more than $20 million for lifesaving facilities at South Australian hospitals.