FIELDS 11 races
R1 4:39am
R2 5:02am
R3 5:17am
R4 5:37am
R5 5:58am
R6 6:23am
R7 6:47am
R8 7:07am
R9 7:25am
R10 7:43am
R11 8:04am
Weather: Fine  Fine Kennels Close: TBC
Tuesday 25 Aug 2020 FIRST RACE: 2:39PM(ACST)
Kennels Close: TBC
R1 4:39am
Grade: M
Distance: 400m
Time: 4:39am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Joe Uglietta 6677 23.31 -
2 Tracey Deglaitis - NBT -
4 Samantha Ferguson 45 23.30 -
5 Keith Lloyd - NBT -
7 Matthew Lanigan 582 23.85 -
8 Samantha Ferguson 6 23.54 -
R2 5:02am
Grade: M
Distance: 400m
Time: 5:02am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Jason Wickham 8 NBT -
2 Colin Baker 6766 NBT -
3 Samantha Ferguson - NBT -
4 Correy Grenfell - NBT -
6 Jessica Sharp 4278 23.26 -
8 Marcus Lloyd - NBT -
R3 5:17am
Grade: M
Distance: 460m
Time: 5:17am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Samantha Ferguson 4 26.95 -
2 Matthew Lanigan - NBT -
3 Leland Medcraft 2447 NBT -
4 Steven Mcdonnell - NBT -
6 Samantha Ferguson - NBT -
7 Jennifer Thorpe 53 NBT -
8 Samantha Ferguson - NBT -
R4 5:37am
Grade: 7
Distance: 400m
Time: 5:37am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Marcus Lloyd 2826 23.14 -
2 Troy Deglaitis 1668 23.38 -
3 Kate Jackson 6568 NBT -
4 Kaylah Thorburn 7 NBT -
5 Tim Britton 4 NBT -
6 Joe Uglietta 7877 23.16 -
7 Samantha Ferguson 6 NBT -
8 Correy Grenfell - NBT -
R5 5:58am
Grade: 7
Distance: 460m
Time: 5:58am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Robert Weightman 4581 26.78 -
2 Bruce Stirling 8646 26.12 -
3 Robert Chivell 3524 26.00 -
4 Sarah Swan 5148 26.38 -
6 Keith Lloyd 55 26.99 -
7 Elizabeth Lloyd 4438 26.76 -
8 Keith Kelly 8256 NBT -
R6 6:23am
Grade: 5
Distance: 460m
Time: 6:23am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Marcus Lloyd 3688 25.97 -
2 Keith Kelly 5658 26.19 -
3 Jennifer Thorpe 2526 26.13 -
4 Dennis Langley 3445 NBT -
5 Michael Whyte 6565 26.78 -
6 Angela Galea 5546 26.16 -
7 Rita Gatt 3657 26.05 -
8 Deborah Coleman 7134 26.12 -
R7 6:47am
Grade: 5
Distance: 400m
Time: 6:47am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Jake Weightman 6725 22.69 -
2 Peter Reivers 7587 23.30 -
3 Daryl Weightman 2623 NBT -
4 Leslie Kenyon 6615 22.80 -
5 Kaylah Thorburn 5834 NBT -
6 Laurie Mallia 6163 NBT -
7 Wade Green 4483 22.84 -
8 Marcus Lloyd 7784 22.79 -
R8 7:07am
Grade: 5
Distance: 400m
Time: 7:07am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Keith Kelly 6388 22.95 -
2 Gregory Couldridge 2333 22.81 -
3 Gregory Mcrae 3551 22.77 -
4 Ronald Dunne 1478 22.97 -
6 Marcus Lloyd 1886 22.89 -
7 Barry Reid 3532 22.73 -
8 Leslie Kenyon 1245 22.61 -
R9 7:25am
Grade: R/W
Distance: 460m
Time: 7:25am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Lisa Cockerell 3776 26.12 -
2 Margaret Brealey 6563 27.75 -
4 Kurt Burger-Trudgett 2343 NBT -
5 Andrea Dailly 3254 26.14 -
7 Ian Cockerell 2782 26.21 -
8 Ronald Fisher 5645 26.75 -
R10 7:43am
Grade: R/W
Distance: 400m
Time: 7:43am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Bruce Stirling 8248 22.90 -
2 Kaylah Thorburn 7643 NBT -
4 Robert Bate 5255 NBT -
5 Kevin Quinn 7788 NBT -
6 Jason Sharp 4126 23.01 -
8 Jai Willoughby 1242 22.90 -
R11 8:04am
Grade: 6
Distance: 400m
Time: 8:04am
Prize Money: $1,180 $825 - $235 - $120
Box Name Trainer Last 4 Best T/D Odds
1 Kurt Burger-Trudgett 7127 NBT -
2 Peter Reivers 6735 23.31 -
3 Jai Willoughby 3525 22.64 -
4 Jessica Sharp 4321 22.90 -
6 Stephen Whyte 5322 NBT -
7 Brayden Klemke 5213 NBT -
8 Gregory Couldridge 2668 23.08 -

All times in Central Australia Standard Time (ACST)


F - Finishing position
B - Box position
W(kg) - Weight in kilograms
D(m) - Distance in meters
T - Track
G - Grade
AT - Actual Time
WT - Winning Time
BON - Best time of the night
BEST T/D - Best time track/distance
A1S - 1st Sectional Time
M - Margin
W/2G - Winner or 2nd place
P - Position during race
SP - Starting Price
V - Video
PLC - Position at end of the race
A ODDS - Odds provided by analyst
FIN TIME - Finish Time
RHT - Run Home Time
S/A Trait - Starting Perf. / Race Att.
Starting Perf. - Starting Performance
e - excellent
g - good
f - fair
s - slow
r - risky
Race Att. - Racing Attribute
ra - railer
m - middle
wr - wide runner