Amendments To National Racing Rules

Racing News



A review of the National Racing Rules (NRR) and policies occurs each year, with any recommendations, where deemed appropriate, adopted by the GA Board.

The application of NRR and policies provides for greater uniformity throughout Australia and New Zealand and minimises the need for local rules. In this regard, the integrity of greyhound racing is dependent on NRR to ensure consistency for participants and Controlling Bodies. Accordingly, Greyhounds Australasia (GA) today announced amendments to the National Racing Rules (NRR) effective from 1 January 2014.

The most significant amendments are:

National Rules

1. R1 Definitions

Failing to Pursue – Add a definition to read:

“Failing to pursue means when a greyhound turns its head or visibly eases during the running of an event”.

2. R20 (3)(v) Stewards control and regulation of race meeting – Add clause (v) to read:

“Order that, prior to any further nominations being accepted for any greyhound, a Veterinary certificate be produced to the satisfaction of the Stewards, stating that at the time of examination, the greyhound is fit tostart”.

The power to order or request a Veterinary Certificate for a greyhound for any reason is lacking in the current rules.

3. R23 Withdrawal after box draw – Amend sub rules (4 to 7) as follows:

(4) A greyhound withdrawn from an Event due to injury or illness, shall be prohibited from competing in any Event immediately from the time of its withdrawal until the completion of a period of 10 days commencing on the date of the event (“period of prohibition”).

(5) The period of prohibition referred to in sub-rule (4) may be varied to a minimum of 7 days upon production of a veterinary certificate to the satisfaction of the Stewards stating that at the time of examination the greyhound is fit to start.

(6) For the purposes of sub-rule (5) no such application for reduction of the period of prohibition will be entertained for any withdrawal after the appointed scratching time.

(7) If, in the opinion of the Stewards a greyhound is withdrawn for, an unacceptable reason the owner and or trainer of the greyhound shall be guilty of an offence.

The rule was amended to ensure that a greyhound cannot compete from the time it was withdrawn until the day of the event from which it was withdrawn, in addition to the standard 10-day period of prohibition imposed because of the withdrawal.

It also provides guidance with regard to the reduction of the period of prohibition in the case of late withdrawals.

4. R57 (2) Postponement or abandonment – Amend as follows:

(a) Where an event is abandoned pursuant to R 57 (1), if, in the opinion of the Stewards, a greyhound would have qualified to be eligible to participate further in the series had the event not been abandoned, they may order that the greyhound be so qualified and exempt from any ballot conducted for the remaining positions

pursuant to R 57(2)(b).

(b) Where an abandoned Event is a leg of a series, and the Stewards have made no or only a partial ruling pursuant to R 57 (2)(a), the Stewards shall, on the same day or such other time as the Controlling Body or Stewards deem appropriate, conduct a public random ballot from all remaining greyhounds which competed, or at the time were to compete, in the abandoned Event, to determine the greyhound/s which shall be eligible to participate further in the series.

(c) Where times are a factor in determining which greyhounds shall be eligible to participate further in the series, the greyhound/s drawn in accordance with sub rule (b) shall be deemed to be the slowest time of the required placing to further participate in the series. When there is more than one abandoned Event and a differentiation is required between two (or more) greyhounds drawn in accordance with sub rule (b), then a further ballot shall be conducted to differentiate between them. The current ballot process to determine a greyhound that progresses through to the next round of a special event is not always the best way for greyhounds to be selected. The amended rules give Stewards the power to exempt greyhounds from the ballot which in their opinion were going to qualify for the next round of the series if the event had not been abandoned.

5. R83 (7) Greyhound to be free of prohibited substances – Add new clause to read as follows:

“Ethanol as evidenced by the presence of ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulphate at or below a concentration of 20 micrograms per millilitre in a sample of urine taken from a greyhound will not breach the provisions of sub rule (2) of this rule.”

6. R84A Treatment records to be kept – Add a new rule directing the person in charge of a greyhound to maintain records detailing all treatments administered to the greyhound. The proposed new rule, in summary states; “the person in charge of the greyhound must keep and retain records detailing all vaccinations, antiparasitics and medical treatments administered to a greyhound for a minimum of two years.”

7. R106(3) – It was agreed that rule 106(3) be separated into 2 sub clauses to reduce the period of notification to the Controlling Body for greyhounds that have been humanely euthanased by a veterinary surgeon or deceased from 10 days to 2 days.

In noting the changes, it must be recognised that respective State and Territorial Legislation pertaining to individual jurisdictions may prevent the total adoption of all of the NRR and policies. In these cases, individual jurisdictions will adopt Local Rules to provide for such legislative requirements, which shall take precedence.

Participants are reminded of their obligation to keep abreast of rule and policy changes, and are advised to contact GA or their relevant Controlling Body if they have any questions.

For full detail regarding all changes, please visit:

For any phone inquiries, please contact:



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