ABANDONED & UPDATED Race Day Schedules

Racing News

 Media Release – Hot Weather


Date:                                  13 January 2014

Subject:                           Hot Weather – Race changes

In response to the extreme temperatures that have been forecast across South Australia this week, and with regard for GRSA’s primary responsibility towards participant and greyhound welfare, the following amendments have been made in relation to our racing schedule over the coming days:


Tuesday 14th January:         Gawler Race Meeting – ABANDONED

                                                 Angle Park Trial Session – ABANDONED


Wednesday 15th January:   Angle Park Race Meeting – ABANDONED

                                                 Gawler Trial Session – ABANDONED


Thursday 16th January:       Gawler Trial Session (Morning) – WILL PROCEED

                                                 Angle Park Race Meeting (Night) – WILL PROCEED


Friday 17th January:             Mount Gambier – WILL PROCEED

                                                Angle Park Race Meeting (Morning) – NEW MEETING


At the time of this advice the forecast for Elizabeth on Tuesday was 42  ̊with a predicted maximum of 45  ̊ at Gawler. On the basis of those forecasts, despite the fact that the meeting had been rescheduled to a morning timeslot, the stewards determined that the risk of extreme temperature during the latter part of the meeting was sufficient to abandon.

 The Wednesday meeting at Angle Park had also been brought forward to a morning timeslot, however a combination of insufficient nominations and a metropolitan forecast of 42  ̊contributed to the decision to abandon that meeting.

 The Thursday night meeting at Angle Park will proceed, however due to these disruptions, nominations have been left open until 1pm today.  Stewards and race day staff will take all necessary precautions to ensure the welfare of racing greyhounds that are nominated for that meeting.  Trainers will be permitted to kennel their greyhounds earlier.  The trial session at Gawler will proceed on Thursday given that the early morning temperatures will not present any concerns from a welfare perspective.

 At the time of this advice, the forecast for the Friday meeting at Mount Gambier was 38  ̊on which basis that meeting will continue as scheduled.  In the event that the forecast for Mount Gambier increases, it is possible that GRSA will look at contingency arrangements, such as transferring that meeting to Sunday, however the current forecast does not warrant such an approach at this point.  Nominations for the Friday Mount Gambier meeting have been extended until 9am TOMORROW – Tuesday 14th January.

 The new meeting scheduled for Friday at Angle Park will close for nominations with GRSA as at 9am TOMORROW – Tuesday 14th January.  This will be categorised as a Provincial meeting.

 A copy of the current GRSA Hot Weather Policy follows.  The policy can also be accessed on the GRSA website at http://sa.thedogs.com.au









Over 30Degrees          ALL COURSING MEETINGS cancelled.


Over 40Degrees          NON TAB MEETINGS- Day and Twilight cancelled.

                                    EVENING TRIALS cancelled.


Over 40Degrees          TAB MEETINGS and NIGHT MEETINGS-

 Consideration will be given to change these to more suitable timeslots. If it is not possible to facilitate such a transfer(s) within a reasonable timeframe, then Day and Twilight meetings scheduled for those venues will be cancelled. Night meetings on these days will continue as scheduled but may be called off, delayed, cancelled or abandoned at the discretion of the Integrity and Standards Manager and Steward in Charge who will take into account the advice of the Veterinarian.



Greyhound Racing SA will announce any cancellation or reprogramming at scratching time. Radio TAB will be advised of any alterations.




Trainers, who have greyhounds engaged for racing on days with predicted hot weather may, under specified conditions, choose to scratch their greyhounds, (especially if they do not have air-conditioned transport facilities). The following apply.


  1. The temperature will be sourced from Weatherzone and based on the following.

 ·         Angle Park                     Metropolitan

·         Gawler                           Elizabeth

·         Strathalbyn                   Strathalbyn

·         Port Augusta                 Port Augusta

·         Mount Gambier           Mount Gambier

·         Virginia                          Elizabeth

  1. Applications for scratching due to heat will only be considered if the predicted temperature is 38Degrees or above at the venue where the meeting will be conducted (refer to Point 1).


  1. Applications to scratch greyhounds under this policy must be made prior to the official scratching time. If a greyhound is withdrawn after this time the normal 10 day penalty shall apply.


  1. Trainers cannot pick and choose greyhounds to scratch (i.e. all of a trainer’s greyhounds are withdrawn).



GRSA will maintain records of greyhounds scratched due to Hot Weather.




1)       Where possible Kennels will be opened earlier. Trainers are encouraged to contact GRSA stewards if they are considering arriving before kenneling time.

2)       Greyhounds to spend minimum time outside Kennels.

3)       Previews are to be conducted in a shaded area.

4)       Parade directly to starting boxes.

5)       Greyhounds to remain in Kennel House for at least 30 Minutes after their event.

6)       Club to provide adequate drinking facilities for Greyhounds.

7)       Club to provide adequate cooling foot baths.

8)       Club to provide bottled water to participants when temperature is 35 Degrees or above.

9)       Ice Vests can be used during parading and after the Event but must be removed prior to placing greyhounds into their allotted Kennel.

10)    GRSA racing department where possible to program Distance events during the coolest part of the meeting (Day meetings – Early races, Night Meetings Later races).


The following practices will be adhered to/applied by GRSA staff and Clubs at their discretion in response to circumstances of hot weather.