Mount Gambier (Day- TAB)Prov2

Start: 24/01/2021 11:30AM
Track: Mount Gambier
Nominations Close: 20/01/2021 9:00 AM

$805 Heats Grade 5 – 400m (Final 31/1/21)

$880 Maiden/1 Win – 512m (For maidens or greyhounds that have won 1 race or maiden heat & final. First preference to be given to maidens. If 6 or more Maidens then it will be a Maiden race only)

$770 Juvenile – 400m or 512m

$970 Graded – 600m

 $735 Heats Razza Racing Feature Maiden – 305m (All Maiden greyhounds eligible regardless of age. Final 31/1/21)