Angle Park (Morning-TAB) Prov2

Start: 17/12/2022 8:00AM
Track: Angle Park
Nominations Close: 14/12/2022 9:00 AM



City B Prizemoney for all races

$2,125 Heats The Spark – 530m (0-5 wins ONLY. Max 8 Heats with reserves. $14,350 Final 22/12/22. N/P. Greyhounds engaged in Heats on 15/12/22 are ineligible. *Special Conditions apply. SA Trained. All greyhounds considered. Trainers must put NO Heats on nom if do not want to be considered.)

$2,565 Special Event N/P – 730m

(other races based on nominations received for normal graded events)