13/06/2021 5:00PM
Track: Gawler
Nominations Close: 09/06/2021 9:00 AM
$37,500 2021 Howard Ashton Final–Group 3-531m (Classic Event. No penalties or awards apply. SA Bred greyhounds whelp Jan19-Jun19 & paid up for Breeders 2021. Heats 30/5, Semis 6/6)
$2,255 Open Maiden – 531m
$2,985 Bitches Grade 6 – 531m
$4,715 Mix 4/5 Final – 531m (Heats 6/6/21)
$3,280 Masters Grade 5 – 531m (For greyhounds 3¾yo or over at time of nom - must have raced previous 6 months or qualy trialled in that time. All grades eligible. N/P)
$5,120 Mixed – 643m
******Standby Shortcourse only run if required******