Angle Park (Night-TAB) City A

Start: 16/12/2021 6:30PM
Track: Angle Park
Nominations Close: 13/12/2021 9:00 AM


$5,150 Heats The Ashes – 530m (Best 16 by Grader. Max 2 heats. No reserves $28,700 Final 23/12/21. N/P)

$3,915 Heats The Inferno – 530m Next Best 32 by WPS Rank. Max 4 heats plus reserves, $14,350 Final 23/12/21. N/P)

(Nominations for the Ashes and Inferno come from the same pool)

$5,595 Heats The Bonfire – 595m (Best 12 by Grader. Max 2 heats. No reserves $21,600 8 dog Final 23/12/21.N/P)

$4,240 Heats The Flame – 595m (Next Best 16 by WPS Rank. Max 2 heats plus reserves, $14,350 Final 23/12/21. N/P)

(Nominations for the Bonfire and Flame come from the same pool)

*Refer to Special Conditions. SA Trained. All greyhounds considered. Trainers must put NO Heats on nom if do not want to be considered.

Open-730m  $6,320