Kalden Ilithyia

Whelped: 07 Jan 2012 Sex: Bitch Colour: Red Fwn
Trainer:  Bill Choules
Location:  Bakers Hill
Owner/s:  D Mcneill, W Choules, P Mcneill, L Griffiths
Prize Money:  $7,110
Win / Plc:  6% / 34%
Career: 62; 4 - 4 - 13
Last 4:  747
Betting History
  SP Career Average Total SP   Starts
TAB $19.38 $1,201.30 % 62
  Strike Rate Total wins
Odds < $2
  Total runs
Odds < $2
0% 0 % 0
Win / Place Stats
Win % Plc % Starts Win 2nd 3rd
6% 34% 62 4 4 13
Winning Distances
Win % Plc % <400 400+ 500+ 600+ 700+
6% 34% 0 2 2 0 0
Box History
  Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4 Box 5 Box 6 Box 7 Box 8
Win 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2
2nd-3rd 3 1 3 2 5 0 1 2
Starts 7 4 8 5 13 6 9 10
Win % 0% 0% 13% 0% 8% 0% 0% 20%
Plc % 43% 25% 50% 40% 46% 0% 11% 40%
Race Results History
F B W(kg) D(m) Date Track Grade AT WT BON A1S A2S M W/2G P SR SP V
8th 7 28.9 405 10 Sep 13 MRD 5 27.44 22.92 22.61 - - 72.25 Uno Action 788 $6.20
3rd 5 29.5 490 15 Oct 13 MRD M 28.15 27.82 27.51 5.83 11.01 5.25 Dark Illusion 1113 $4.90
6th 4 29.5 490 29 Oct 13 MRD M 29.05 28.14 28.07 - - 14.50 Sum Bodhi 324106 $3.00
1st 8 29.1 405 03 Dec 13 MRD M 23.14 23.14 22.49 - - 5.25 Hello I'm Sammy 311 $5.40
6th 2 28.8 405 10 Dec 13 MRD 5 23.34 22.80 22.61 - - 8.75 Stanga Tom 546 $25.40
8th 6 28.5 530 18 Dec 13 CNP 5 32.07 30.52 30.37 5.89 - 24.75 High Recall 56688 $39.00
3rd 8 28.6 490 24 Dec 13 MRD 5 28.37 28.23 27.85 - 11.24 2.25 Light Fantasy 2123 $19.30
8th 4 28.7 490 30 Dec 13 MRD 5 28.52 27.98 27.84 - - 8.75 Rampant Lion 3338 $22.40
5th 7 28.3 490 17 Jan 14 MRD 5 28.24 27.47 27.35 - - 12.25 Sissoko 5555 $54.00
4th 3 28.6 490 23 Jan 14 MRD 5 28.36 27.94 27.94 - - 6.75 Prang Monelli 3444 $14.80
2nd 2 28.2 490 03 Feb 14 MRD 5 28.37 27.91 27.91 - - 7.50 Special Phoenix 2222 $12.40
1st 5 28.6 405 10 Feb 14 MRD 5 23.28 23.28 22.97 6.73 - 5.50 Vocal Emily 111 $3.80
3rd 7 28.7 405 17 Feb 14 MRD 5 23.34 23.15 22.93 - - 3.00 Rock Me Please 333 $5.80
3rd 1 28.5 405 24 Feb 14 MRD 5 23.65 22.97 22.69 - - 11.00 Theo Gundi 333 $3.30
3rd 8 28.3 405 06 Mar 14 MRD 5 23.12 22.75 22.49 - - 6.00 Joe's Guess 333 $19.70
1st 3 28.0 509 10 Mar 14 NTM 5 30.08 30.08 29.49 5.82 - 0.50 Rubix Que 11111 $7.50
3rd 1 28.2 509 17 Mar 14 NTM 5 30.45 29.87 29.69 5.97 - 9.25 Bushido 22333 $5.50
7th 5 28.1 509 24 Mar 14 NTM 5 30.39 29.98 29.96 5.96 - 6.50 Miss Charm 45557 $6.40
6th 2 28.1 405 23 May 14 MRD 5 23.63 23.12 22.50 - - 8.25 I'm Precious 866 $16.00
7th 7 27.6 509 02 Jun 14 NTM 5 30.98 30.10 29.79 5.93 - 14.00 Wendy Knows 24677 $9.00
6th 5 27.6 490 10 Jun 14 MRD 5 28.75 28.14 27.97 - - 9.75 Pattie Mac 2456 $15.10
6th 1 27.9 490 19 Jun 14 MRD 5 29.12 27.51 27.51 6.03 - 25.75 Elephant Gunn 3436 $3.70
6th 7 28.7 405 03 Jul 14 MRD 5 23.64 23.23 22.87 6.78 - 6.50 Wy Yung Bundy 456 $26.90
2nd 5 28.6 405 17 Jul 14 MRD 5 23.39 23.02 22.79 6.70 - 6.00 On The Bubbler 112 $8.20
5th 5 28.6 405 24 Jul 14 MRD 5 23.62 23.20 22.96 6.73 - 6.75 Point Five Owe 355 $6.50
6th 8 29.3 405 14 Aug 14 MRD 5 23.42 22.69 22.61 6.71 - 11.75 On The Bubbler 326 $21.00
6th 1 29.3 302 21 Aug 14 MRD 5 17.66 17.33 17.19 6.96 - 5.25 Zenamite 56 $5.00
5th 6 29.6 302 28 Aug 14 MRD 5 17.75 17.12 17.10 7.07 - 10.00 Deadly Credits 75 $27.60
3rd 5 29.7 405 11 Sep 14 MRD 5 22.99 22.84 22.63 6.68 - 2.50 Shekel Monelli 233 $47.50
4th 2 29.6 405 18 Sep 14 MRD 5 23.23 22.92 22.73 6.77 - 5.00 Baht Monelli 544 $17.50
1st 8 28.8 509 27 Oct 14 NTM 5 30.22 30.22 29.44 5.89 - 7.00 Heidi Action 21111 $3.80
5th 6 29.0 509 03 Nov 14 NTM 4 30.47 29.86 29.86 6.02 - 9.75 Miss Moto 55555 $12.30
4th 1 29.4 509 17 Nov 14 NTM 4 30.45 30.02 29.78 6.03 - 7.00 Leisure Larry 45544 $15.60
3rd 5 29.5 509 24 Nov 14 NTM 4 30.31 29.75 29.70 5.85 - 9.00 Party Hunter 11113 $11.20
3rd 4 29.7 509 01 Dec 14 NTM 4 30.35 29.98 29.98 5.88 - 6.00 Wendy Knows 33333 $28.20
7th 3 29.9 509 08 Dec 14 NTM 4 30.80 30.10 29.74 6.06 - 11.25 Shaft 66677 $19.40
2nd 3 29.6 509 15 Dec 14 NTM 5 30.40 30.31 29.64 5.88 - 1.50 Wampas Lee 11112 $6.30
7th 8 30.0 530 24 Dec 14 CNP 5 32.07 31.07 30.59 5.91 - 16.00 Zipping Gilbert 42237 $17.10
5th 4 29.8 297 07 Jan 15 CNP 5 18.08 17.68 17.21 - - 6.50 High Spender 555 $8.60
3rd 3 31.2 297 18 Feb 15 CNP 5 17.66 17.33 17.33 - - 5.25 Charos Tenetti 533 $19.80
5th 3 31.4 297 25 Feb 15 CNP 5 18.27 17.44 17.13 - - 13.25 Muckin Around 845 $18.60
4th 5 30.4 297 04 Mar 15 CNP 5 17.93 17.49 17.31 - - 7.00 Dollstan Sun 754 $17.90
4th 6 30.8 509 27 Apr 15 NTM 5 30.74 30.30 29.72 5.88 - 7.00 Wampas Lee 22334 $8.30
8th 5 30.5 509 11 May 15 NTM 5 31.23 29.94 29.66 6.03 - 20.75 Our Magic Wish 45888 $13.30
5th 7 30.5 509 25 May 15 NTM 5 30.61 29.58 29.48 6.01 - 16.50 Zoe Monelli 56555 $13.60
6th 5 30.7 509 08 Jun 15 NTM 5 30.51 29.64 29.48 6.00 - 14.00 Amy Monelli 33336 $15.10
6th 7 30.7 509 22 Jun 15 NTM 5 30.60 29.79 29.33 6.07 - 13.00 Diamond Boots 53456 $42.00
8th 6 30.5 509 29 Jun 15 NTM 5 30.59 29.63 29.62 6.00 - 15.50 Zoe Monelli 45668 $57.50
2nd 4 30.0 509 06 Jul 15 NTM 5 30.36 30.26 29.95 5.93 - 1.50 Science 11112 $29.40
5th 8 29.7 509 13 Jul 15 NTM 5 30.29 29.53 29.53 6.04 - 10.75 Roscoe's Entity 44435 $36.60
5th 1 29.9 509 20 Jul 15 NTM 5 30.35 29.79 29.48 6.04 - 8.00 Something Epic 55555 $33.50
6th 6 29.9 509 27 Jul 15 NTM 5 30.12 29.36 29.36 5.93 - 10.75 About To Rock 35566 $65.70
3rd 5 29.8 509 03 Aug 15 NTM 5 30.43 30.02 29.58 5.97 - 5.75 Boronia Patch 33333 $26.00
5th 8 29.5 509 10 Aug 15 NTM 5 30.66 29.88 29.30 5.99 - 11.00 Alf Monelli 44555 $15.30
5th 8 29.5 509 13 Aug 15 NTM 5 30.47 29.96 29.49 5.96 - 7.25 Casino Prince 34455 $22.60
5th 7 30.0 509 17 Aug 15 NTM 5 30.45 29.56 29.29 6.07 - 12.75 Just Like Me 86655 $39.50
3rd 1 29.8 509 20 Aug 15 NTM 5 30.00 29.65 29.33 6.01 - 5.00 Liam's Entity 64443 $22.60
3rd 3 29.3 509 24 Aug 15 NTM 5 30.42 29.84 29.59 6.02 - 8.25 Bourbon Trail 44333 $10.60
7th 8 29.9 509 28 Sep 15 NTM 5 30.51 29.83 29.13 5.94 - 9.75 Superstrike 44447 $29.90
4th 7 30.5 509 05 Oct 15 NTM 5 31.09 30.24 29.29 6.07 - 12.25 Firm Grip 52224 $22.30
7th 3 30.3 509 11 Oct 15 NTM 5 30.64 29.64 29.63 5.94 - 14.25 Aluminum 46657 $25.90
FTF 5 30.2 509 02 Nov 15 NTM 5 NTT 29.83 29.28 - - Are We Dancers 8 $30.00
Best Finishing Times
Track D(m) Fin Time F B Date V
Cannington 297m 17.66 3rd 3 18 Feb 15
Mandurah 302m 17.66 6th 1 21 Aug 14
Mandurah 405m 22.99 3rd 5 11 Sep 14
Mandurah 490m 28.15 3rd 5 15 Oct 13
Northam 509m 30.00 3rd 1 20 Aug 15
Cannington 530m 32.07 7th 9 24 Dec 14
Best 1st Sectional Times
Track D(m) 1st Sec Time F B Date V
Northam 509m 5.82 1st 3 10 Mar 14
Mandurah 490m 5.83 3rd 5 15 Oct 13
Cannington 530m 5.89 8th 6 18 Dec 13
Mandurah 405m 6.68 3rd 5 11 Sep 14
Mandurah 302m 6.96 6th 1 21 Aug 14
Betting History
  SP Career Average Total SP   Starts
TAB $19.38 $1,201.30 % 62
  Strike Rate Total wins
Odds < $2
  Total runs
Odds < $2
0% 0 % 0
Sire & Dam
Parent Name Prize Money Win % Plc % Starts
FemaleSire: Cosmic Rumble $280,620 52% 75% 44
FemaleDam: Abbadale Elle $0 19% 38% 16

All times in Central Australia Standard Time (ACST)


F - Finishing position
B - Box position
W(kg) - Weight in kilograms
D(m) - Distance in meters
T - Track
G - Grade
AT - Actual Time
WT - Winning Time
BON - Best time of the night
BEST T/D - Best time track/distance
A1S - 1st Sectional Time
M - Margin
W/2G - Winner or 2nd place
P - Position during race
SP - Starting Price
V - Video
PLC - Position at end of the race
A ODDS - Odds provided by analyst
FIN TIME - Finish Time
RHT - Run Home Time
S/A Trait - Starting Perf. / Race Att.
Starting Perf. - Starting Performance
e - excellent
g - good
f - fair
s - slow
r - risky
Race Att. - Racing Attribute
ra - railer
m - middle
wr - wide runner

Next To Go

R1 6:37pm
TIPS 7 8 4 2
R2 6:58pm
TIPS 7 6 1 4
R3 7:19pm
TIPS 2 4 6 8