WAP announcement for October 2022

Industry Updates

WAP announcement

Greyhound Racing SA Limited (GRSA) wishes to advise participants that the Wagering Activity Payment (WAP) for the month of October 2022 will amount to $124,000 which takes total payments for the year so far to $376,000.  While it is the largest monthly WAP this financial year there remain signs that wagering turnover is being negatively impacted by the macro-economic factors of increasing inflation and interest rates.  GRSA will continue to monitor the situation and update participants accordingly.

Payments will be made to participants today (Friday, 18th November).

The table below shows the total WAP position for the year to date.

Distribution between Trainers and Owners

GRSA would like to remind all participants who receive a WAP that the payment is the equivalent of prizemoney.  If you are currently responsible for distributing prizemoney to another party (eg owners) then the same approach applies to WAP payments.

From GRSA’s perspective, the position in relation to third parties is reflective of OzChase records and is as follows:


Comparison table showing the impact of WAP on a selection of prizemoney levels

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