Town of Gawler works at Gawler next week

Racing News

The Town of Gawler Council has advised GRSA that the demolition and of the old kiosk/canteen removal at the Gawler track/oval will commence on Monday 16 July.  The building is lined with asbestos, and hence removal is being undertaken in accordance with SafeWork SA requirements for asbestos removal, including having an independent monitoring company on site during the removal.


The company engaged to undertake the works are D&V Services, with a Class A Asbestos Removal Licence no. 54977.


Works will commence on Monday and take approximately 5 to 7 working days to complete, dependant on weather conditions.  D&V Services have been advised that no loud works, including machinery can be used on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings due to the Greyhound Racing meets and trials.


GRSA is confident there will be no impact to staff, greyhounds or participants at the upcoming race meetings.


Any queries should be directed to the Town of Gawler Council.