Statement: Greyhound Racing South Australia

Media Releases

Greyhound Racing SA is investigating allegations of live baiting by a South Australian industry participant.

Acting on information, we undertook a snap search of the participant’s property yesterday alongside the RSPCA to collect evidence.

The participant’s training license and registration have been suspended with immediate effect. Under the rules of racing, any participant found to be live baiting would face a mandatory lifetime ban.

If confirmed, this would be the first case of live baiting ever recorded in South Australia. Live baiting is an abhorrent practice and goes against everything Greyhound Racing SA stands for as an organisation, a sport and a community.

We have a proven commitment to animal welfare and our focus on integrity underpins everything we do. We have an absolute zero-tolerance approach to any participant found to be in breach of those standards. 

GRSA stands ready to support the RSPCA in any subsequent criminal proceedings and undertakes to keep all stakeholders informed.