Media Releases



Following a tenure just short of 9 years, Paul Preiss has stepped down as a Director of Greyhound Racing SA (GRSA).

A major highlight of Mr Preiss’ tenure was helping the business navigate through 2015, the most challenging period of its modern history. In addition, Mr Preiss was part of the Board which committed to the investment of $8.6 million in a new dual track facility at Murray Bridge and $2.3 million towards the new patron facility at Gawler.

“I have enjoyed playing my part in the growth and stability of the sport in South Australia. I believe the governance of greyhound racing in South Australia is a model for other organisations; the Board composition which includes independent professionals, skills and experience is a key reason for GRSA’s success. I would like to thank the Directors with whom I have served. Their support and friendship have been an important contributor to my tenure on the board,” Mr Preiss observed.

GRSA Chairman, Grantley Stevens, thanked Mr Preiss for his contribution to the sport for the past 9 years, during which the Board has directed greyhound racing through both difficult and prosperous times.

“I have thoroughly valued the professionalism and commitment that Paul has brought to the GRSA Board since 2011. His wealth of knowledge and experience has assisted GRSA be well positioned to continue to thrive in these interesting times.”

The Director replacement for Paul Preiss will be announced shortly pending final approval from Consumer and Business Services, following recent endorsement from the Racing Minister.



For any media enquiries, please contact:

Matthew Watson – Greyhound Racing SA Marketing Manager
08 8243 7100
[email protected]