Racing News

Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) Manager Greyhound Racing, Mark Bottcher, today welcomes the addition of Racing Queensland to the new greyhound system, OzChase.
Racing Queensland joins the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia.
The OzChase system was developed by Racing and Wagering Western Australia in a joint venture arrangement with Greyhound Racing New South Wales (GRNSW).
The RWWA Information Services Division has designed, built, hosts and maintains the OzChase system at their Osborne Park offices.
“It is extremely pleasing Racing Queensland has joined other states to develop a national racing system,” said Mark Bottcher.
“It has been a long hard road but the efforts of all those involved over the past four years have not been in vain.
“Special recognition must go to the collaborative efforts of the RWWA Project team; GRNSW and controlling authority staff in all jurisdictions, whose tireless efforts, amazing cooperation, commitment, energy and foresight have seen OzChase delivered.
“I am confident history will prove that the enormity of OzChase and the courage of administrators in pursuing and building such a system will prove a watershed moment in Australian Greyhound racing.”
OzChase has been built with a strong business rule emphasis to ensure that the rules of racing are adhered to when data is entered and a number of sub-systems have been developed to assist in the management of industry integrity and greyhound welfare.
The system allows controlling authorities to monitor the status and location of all racing animals throughout their full lifecycle and take appropriate action against participants who do not adhere to this critical aspect of the industry.
A microchip management system is in place to control stocks of microchips, their allocation to implanters/breeders and their implanting into greyhound pups.
A samples (swabs) management system has been implemented to control all aspects of the sampling of greyhounds including the management of sample kits to and from testing laboratories and the notification of sample testing results. Development of an injury reporting system is well under way to assist with monitoring and reporting of all types of greyhound injuries.