Racing News




7 July 2016

To all media,

In light of the recent announcement from the NSW Premier Mike Baird that the NSW Greyhound Racing industry will be closed from July 1 2017, Greyhound Racing South Australia will continue to remain committed to its best practices and management of the local industry.

The local Greyhound Racing industry has been surprised by the news this morning.

Greyhound Racing South Australia Chairman, Michael Fabbro said GRSA is extremely disappointed at the announcement following the inquiry.

"Greyhound Racing SA is committed to overseeing the industry in a responsible, ethical and sustainable manner. We have for some time focussed significant resources on animal welfare and rehoming, this focus and commitment was redoubled after the Four Corners revelations last year. We are well on our way to full rehoming in this State and continue to invest heavily into our Greyhound Adoption Program," Mr Fabbro said.

With the 800 page McHugh report only being released today, GRSA will consider its findings and recommendations.

"Given the industry in this State does not in any way demonstrate the culture and attitudes reflected in NSW, we believe the industry here should be given the time and space to continue along the path toward sustainability in a manner that garners community confidence and support. A path we consider we are already a considerable distance along," Mr Fabbro said.

"Our contribution to this State from an economic and social perspective is significant with employment and volunteerism driving the industry and our investment in GAP initiatives in particular the You.Me.Six Weeks and Prison Pet Partnership program."

"Greyhound Racing South Australia is concerned that the response to the McHugh report has occurred without consultation between the NSW government and industry and is detrimental to the large racing population in that State, and apparently may extend to the breed itself."

"We acknowledge the thousands of participants in this State who have partnered strongly with us to ensure improved animal welfare outcomes in every area of our industry – we extend this acknowledgement and thanks to Minister Leon Bignell following his announcement this afternoon to continue to support Greyhound Racing in this State."


For more information, please contact Grays Public Relations Sarah Stokes 0401 755 819.

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