Media Release GA Rule Amendments 1st July 2016

Racing News


 Amendments to Greyhounds Australasia Rules effective 1 July 2016

The Board of Greyhounds Australasia (GA) has approved new and amended national rules (GARs) effective 1 July 2016. See attached.

The objective of these new and amended rules is to further strengthen industry integrity and the welfare of all greyhounds whether racing, being prepared to race or retired.

GA reviews the GARs regularly. New and/or amended rules are now approved by the Board twice a year and become effective on either 1 January or 1 July or at any other time deemed appropriate to support industry integrity and animal welfare.

The GARs help ensure rule uniformity for participants in all jurisdictions throughout Australia and New Zealand and minimise the need for local rules.

All new and amended rule proposals are recommended for approval by the GA Rules and Integrity Committee and have been endorsed by controlling bodies.

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