Local Rule Amendments

Racing News

The update to the Local Rule reflects the spirit of the National Rule that is expected to be introduced in the next couple of weeks.  
Full Rules can be found here
Any person found guilty of a breach of these Rules shall be liable to –
              (a)          a fine not exceeding $20000 for any one (1) offence other than a breach of LR99(SA);
              (b)          suspension; and/or
              (c)          disqualification; and/or
              (d)          cancellation of registration; and/or
              (e)          warn off.

(1)           A person who –
(a)          uses in connection with greyhound racing or training for greyhound racing any species of bird or animal which is alive, whether as a lure or to excite a greyhound or otherwise; or
(b)          has possession on, or brings on to, any grounds or premises or within the boundaries of a registered address or any property within which a greyhound trial track or racecourse is situated any such bird or animal which might reasonably be capable of being so used; or
(c)          allows a greyhound for the purpose of training for greyhound racing to pursue or attack any live bird or animal or animal carcass; or
(d)          is in any way directly or indirectly involved in conduct as set out at (a), (b) or (c) above; or
(e)          aids, abets, counsels or procures conduct as set out at (a), (b) or c) above
(f)           is convicted in a Court for the use of or having a live bird or animal for any purposes connected with greyhound racing, shall be disqualified for a period of not less than 10 years and fined a sum not exceeding fifty thousand (50,000) dollars.
(2)           A person who witnesses conduct as set out at (1)(a), (1) (b) and 1(c) above but fails to report that conduct to the Stewards as soon as reasonably practicable shall be disqualified for a period of not less than 5 years and/or fined a sum not exceeding twentythousand (20,000) dollars.
(3)           Where an offence contrary to the Rule occurs on any ground under the control or management of a Club that Club shall proceed against the offender, and in default the registration of that Club may be cancelled, either for a specified period or permanently, and the Club may be fined pursuant to these Rules.
(4)           Where an offence contrary to the Rule occurs on any ground under the control or management of the licensee or manager of a greyhound trial track the registration of the track and of any person concerned with the management of that track may be cancelled, either for a specified period or permanently, and any such person may be fined pursuant to these Rules.
(5)           Any person penalised in relation to this Rule, shall not be entitled to make any future applications for licence to the Controlling Body or to be an owner of any registered greyhound.
(6)           A person shall not be in breach of this rule where the animal or bird is kept on or at the premises as a domesticated pet with notification to and approval from the Controlling Body or where the bird or animal is kept for rural or agricultural purposes with notification to and approval from the Controlling Body.  For the purpose of this subclause notification must be in the manner and form required by the Controlling Body for this exclusion to apply.