Greyhounds Australasia Statement - Scam Activity

Industry Updates

Please see the following statement from Greyhounds Australasia in regards to recent scam activity.

Breeding Unit Scam Alert
9 February, 2024.

Greyhound’s Australasia (GA) is aware of attempts being made online to deceive participants into purchasing breeding units (frozen semen vials) that either do not exist or are not genuine.
Greyhound participants should be vigilant when answering any ‘for sale’ or ‘wanted’ advertisements on well-known Greyhound websites or social media forums.
Greyhound participants should not transfer any funds or provide details of breeding units, without confirming the identity and legitimacy of the individuals they are dealing with.
GA can be contacted to confirm the authenticity of any breeding unit and greyhound participants are encouraged to utilise this service before completing any transaction.
Greyhound participants can also contact their local Controlling Body to confirm if the individual they are dealing with is legitimate and are encouraged to report any activity that they believe is suspicious.
Advertisers should also be mindful of the amount of information that is disclosed about breeding units, on public websites or social media channels.
GA is aware of cases where purchasers have struggled or been unable to recover money when they have been defrauded. These cases have been referred to industry regulators and federal authorities.
GA also recommends reporting suspicious activity to federal authorities via the Scamwatch website
Greyhounds Australasia can be contacted Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, on 03 9548 3500 or by email at [email protected]