Angle Park (Night-TAB) City A

Start: 17/08/2023 6:30PM
Track: Angle Park
Nominations Close: 14/08/2023 9:00 AM

$2,650 Heats Feature Maiden – 530m ($5,535 Final 24/8/23)

$6,535 AGRC Open Feature– 530m (Best 8. AGRC sponsors with $500 to owner & $500 to trainer if winner is AGRC Member)

$3,505 Special event Grade 5 (worst to best) – 530m (One 8 dog field will be graded from the Weighted Points Score table of Grade 5 pool of greyhounds worst to best grading.No guarding & no reserves.Trainers cannot nom for event N/P)

$3,855 Murray Bridge to Angle Park Mixed 5/6 N/P Final – 530m (Heats Murray Bridge 13/8/23. N/P. Must have no offences at either track)

$3,505 Grade 6 Bitches only – 530m

$4,560 Mixed – 595m

$3,505 Juvenile – 530m

$6,790 FFA-730m